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Just a quick video explaining what happened to Sora at the at of Kingdom Hearts 3KingdomHearts KingdomHearts3Subscribe Here. The Two Secret Endings in Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind DLC. Kingdom Hearts 3 Remind Dlc Secret Ending Explained Wechoiceblogger ReMind acts as an expansion of the original ending to Kingdom Hearts 3. . Im still not sure why this was released in the state it was in and frankly its a disservice to fans waiting for something special to come along. Through the power of friendship Sora Donald and Goofy unite with. The secret ending to Kingdom Hearts 3 has finally been revealed teasing a brand new adventure for the keyblade gang and potentially a crossover with. These secrets include two new secret endings and the most difficult boss fight ever put into a Kingdom Hearts game. Secret Ending refers to a secret video or cutscene that is unlocked after completing certain prerequisites in the Kingdom Hearts series a...
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